Abstract & Paper Submission
Submit your Abstract or Paper using the form below
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Abstract Submission Guidelines
- To present the abstract at the conference, submit an abstract of 250 words. Submission should contain the author/s name, affiliation, maximum 5 keywords. (only in Word doc./ pdf format. For a sample template Click here).
- An author can submit a maximum of two papers only (one as the principal author and the other as co-author)
- In case you cannot submit the abstract through the form, you can email it to iconswm.ce@gmail.com, iconswmce@gitam.edu
- All submitted abstracts/papers will be reviewed by the IconSWM team.
- The accepted abstracts/papers will be notified through email, after which they will be eligible for presentation at the conference.
- All the selected abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Selected papers by the IconSWM review team, with authors' consent, will be forwarded to the publishers. If the papers meet the publisher's requirements and pass through the review process, they can publish their papers in the special issues of selected journals (indexed in Scopus, WoS, or ABDC).
- The Abstract/Paper cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances after it has been approved and the author has registered.
- The conference registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- Registered participants can attend a Pre-Conference Doctoral workshop, School Congress, Industry Expo, and Hackathon.
- Kindly follow the research ethics as suggested by COPE.
Note :
Last date for Abstract Submission - 31st October, 2024
Last date for Paper Submission - 31st October, 2024